Canada’s municipal nomination program is coming

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Canada’s municipal nomination program is coming

In view of the successful experience of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on regional pilot projects, immigration departments at all levels will accelerate the promotion of the Municipal Nomination Program (MNP) in the near future. The Canadian Minister of Immigration Marco Mendicino said that the MNP project will bring in at least 5,000 new immigrants each year. More specifically, IRCC expects to accept 2,750 applicants each year, and the remaining 2,250 spots will be provided to the applicant’s spouse and family members. Since there are only 5,000 spots, this means that the immigration department needs to consider which city to choose to implement the MNP. Considering the number of cities in Canada, this will be a challenging task. Mendicino stated that in the long run, whether the applicant can settle in the area is the core value of the MNP. Some immigration experts also said that the MNP will give priority to candidates with local job opportunities. Even if applicants have not yet obtained a local job opportunity, as long as they show a strong connection to the community, they will have the opportunity to be selected. One of the blueprints for MNP can serve the Morden’s Community Driven Immigration Initiative in Manitoba.

#MNP, #IRCC, #immigration_policy, #immigration_pilots, #Morden, #Manitoba

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