Canadians are leaving big cities

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Canadians are leaving big cities

According to Statistics Canada, residents of large cities are leaving them and moving to the suburbs, small towns, and villages. Between July 2019 and July 2020, Toronto, lost 50,357 of its residents, while Oshawa, east of the Ontario capital, grew 2.1%, the highest growth among municipalities in the entire country. In Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo, west of Toronto, the population grew by 2%. During the same period, 24,880 people left Montreal, and most of them settled in the neighbouring towns of Farnham and Saint-Hippolyte. Experts believe that the trend of relocation from large cities to small ones has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic because under quarantine conditions, people are able to work from home, and for them, life in urban centers, where they quickly get to their office, has lost its meaning, while they feel much more comfortable in nature, where the cost of living is much cheaper.

#demography, #Toronto, #Montreal

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