Family reunification - a top priority for the Canadian government

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Family reunification – a top priority for the Canadian government

Family reunification is a top priority for the Canadian government. It is currently marriage season in India and Pakistan. Those who are travelling to India or Pakistan these days for marriage purposes must focus on documents and evidence preparation during marriage functions. It will help them to apply for spousal sponsorship without any delay. Those international students who are married and want their spouses to join them can bring their spouses on a spousal open work permit. Those parental sponsorship registrants who did not get a chance in the recent parental sponsorship draw do not need to panic. The government will conduct another application intake round and select 30,000 applications to process this year. Other than the Parent and Grandparent Program, the Super Visa is an excellent program to sponsor parents and grandparents to stay for a longer period in Canada.

#Family_immigration, #spousal_sponsorship, #parents_sponsorship, #supervisa, #PGP

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