Immigration to cause the next confrontation between Ottawa and Quebec

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Immigration to cause the next confrontation between Ottawa and Quebec

In Quebec, non-Francophone immigrants are often viewed as a problem. Even though they may be proficient in French, some still speak their first language at home and know English. Unfortunately, this trilingual ability is seen by nationalist demographers and intellectuals as an “endangerment” to the use of French rather than being appreciated for its advantages. Knowing French is not enough anymore, as the Quebec Government wants the immigrants to be native French speakers. Quebec’s political elite forecasts immigration will be the upcoming issue of contention between Ottawa and Quebec. Premier Legault desires to have more control over immigration to create a French-speaking “nation,” allowing immigrants to apply for entry into Quebec as if it were an independent nation.

#Quebec, #Francophone_immifration, #French_speaking_immigrants, #Legault

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