Many Canadian universities have announced their quarantine plans for the fall semester

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Many Canadian universities have announced their quarantine plans for the fall semester

The University of Toronto formulated a detailed plan on how to retain international students. International students who arrive in Canada will be placed in school dorms and hundreds of hotel rooms to quarantine for 14 days. Also, staff will conduct health checks for students and provide special quarantine kits. The University of Calgary announced details of its dorm settlement plan. Susan Barker, the University of Calgary’s vice-provost, said that considering how the pandemic is more serious in some countries and how travel restrictions may prevent students from coming, many international students have been placed in school dorms where they will spend the entire summer. In the upcoming fall semester, new international students will be quarantined in the school dorm for 14 days, and other students who aren’t able to take care of themselves will be placed in local hotels. With the new September semester approaching, many international students who are going back to their home countries need to come up with a reasonable plan – should they stay in their home countries and take online classes, or should they return to Canada for their studies? If they want to enter Canada, then they must come up with a practical quarantine plan and communicate with their schools in time!

#international_students, #Toronto, #Calgary, #Study_in_Canada

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