Most of the refugee claimants arriving in Canada were victims of political and religious persecution

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Most of the refugee claimants arriving in Canada were victims of political and religious persecution

According to some reports in media with the reference to a document dated December 2019 from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) shows that most of the refugees entering Canada in 2019 claimed they were victims of political or religious persecution and most of them entered Canada irregularly. The document shows that the countries from where irregular refugee claimants entered Canada in 2019 included Sudan, Ethiopia, Iran, India and Turkey. The document predicted that in 2020, refugees entering Canada from Bangladesh and Pakistan and the above-mentioned five countries will still be the largest group of refugees who claim to be victims of political persecution. China is one of the countries whose citizens have filed the most refugee claims due to religious persecution. Political persecution is the top reason for irregular migration, while religious persecution is the second top reason for irregular migration to Canada.

#refugees, #asylum_claims, #irregular_migrants, #political_refugees, #religious_refugees

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