Protests held across Canada urging politicians to help with the family reunification process

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Protests held across Canada urging politicians to help with the family reunification process

On Saturday, August 8, 2020, protesters gathered in cities across Canada called on the government to do more to help reunite families kept apart by slow immigration procedures and COVID-19 pandemic-related travel bans. In Montreal, demonstrators assembled in front of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offices. Other protests were held in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Edmonton. According to the protestors, over 40,000 letters to the offices of Justin Trudeau and Minister of Immigration Marco Mendicino and have been received with no response. The immigration department stated it continues to accept and process sponsorship applications and is looking at ways to help more families.

#IRCC, family_immigration, #spousal_sponsorship, #parents_sponsorship, #PGP

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